Smart Homes as Service Platforms for New Healthcare and Energy Services

HEA-hankkeessa työskentelevä Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston tutkija Mika Immonen on julkaissut yhdessä Mikko Pynnösen kanssa artikkelin “Smart Homes as Service Platforms for New Healthcare and Energy Services”.

Artikkelissa analysoidaan smart home -konseptia erityisesti palveluiden näkökulmasta.  Artikkelin englanninkieliseen abstraktiin voi tutustua alla, koko artikkelin voi lukea tämän linkin takaa.

Book Chapter Smart Homes as Service Platforms for New Healthcare and Energy Services by Mikko Pynnönen and Mika Immonen in the book “New Technologies – Trends, Innovations and Research” edited by Constantin Volosencu, ISBN 978-953-51-0480-3, InTech, March 3, 2012

Industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries. The change drivers include e.g. fast growth and development of international trade and growth, participation of very different countries with various cost levels in international change and trade, quick evolution of international logistics and tremendous changes in information change and transmission and fragmentation of value chains to value networks. On national level fragmentation and unbundling are striking features in transformations of industries. Indeed, when considering value networks the attention is often paid only to material and service flows. The functioning of the value networks requires also capabilities, rules of games and procedures of actions from different parties of the network, and economical aspects from point of view of each partner of the network.

In this research, especially elderly care, heath care, electricity distribution and intelligent concept have been discussed. Quickly observed, these are very different and heterogeneous group of activities. The common factors in these fields are the networks, their build-up and management. We use the smart home as combining platform that integrates these networks together.

The concept of smart home has been analysed in literature mostly from technology perspective. The aim of this study was to analyse the smart home concept from services perspective, as a platform for service integration. The research problem in our study was how the services integrate through this kind of service platform. We use the Service Dominant Logic as the theoretical framework for the study. The main implication is that regulator should guide the technology development to be refocused from development of specific technologies to integrated platforms, which support diffusion of both home systems and related service businesses.

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